Four Ways to Feel Good in Your Bathing Suit

Raise your hand if you’re tired of hearing the phrase “get your body back.” Regardless of whether you just had a baby or not, why are we always trying to look backwards when it comes to our body? So this isn’t a post about dieting or exercising your way back to your old body. I don’t have any advice on how to get rid of that belly bloat. I don’t have recommendations of miracle creams that will get rid of stretch marks or cellulite. (Although, I’ll keep searching and sharing my favorites when I do find them!)

This is also not a post about how great I feel while wearing a bathing suit. Because like all women, I can name about bazillion things I’d like to change about my body—especially when faced with wearing a bathing suit.

Nonetheless, this was the year that I had a chat with myself about embracing my body—in a bathing suit and beyond. Not the body I’m going to have next month, when I finally lose those 5lbs. Not the body I had 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago. Today’s body. The one with the stretch marks, some cellulite and the one a little more squishy than it used to be. But acceptance doesn’t come easy, so I found these four  ways to feel good in a bathing suit, while working on loving my body. Hope you find these helpful!

1. The Fit Not The Style

When shopping for a suit, the fit is the most important thing, and getting a good fit comes from understanding your body and not necessarily following trends. High waisted bottoms and stringy bikinis may work for some ladies, but for me they don’t. I’m too heavy on the top so I need a style that will truly support my chest!

Here are a few similar suits that are comfortable, stylish and actually hold up my chest fairly well! Love the back of this one, and this one is almost identical to the one I have, plus it’s only $35!

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2. Self Care

One of my self care treats is getting a regular wax. It’s just nice to get that out of the way and not have to worry about one more thing to keep up with in the summer.  I also love a good self tanner, or a spray tan. Having good, exfoliated and silky skin makes me feel more confident. Sally Hansen’s Airbrush Legs is great and for my face I like to use a tinted moisturizer instead of a foundation in the summer. I’m also a fan of dry brushing, and really believe it makes the difference in the thigh area!

3. Buy all of the Accessories

Invest in a good pair of sunglasses, how cute are these for summer? Also, a classic cover up can serve you for a few years, or a fun inexpensive one can be a great one season option. The point is that if you’re wearing your favorite floppy, a cute kimono and your favorite flats—a bathing suit becomes part of a cute look. Also just found this great beach bag. 

4. Get Perspective

I took about 140999 photos until I liked the one in the featured image. Instagram life is not real life. It’s important to remember that we all have real bodies, not photoshop bodies we look at every day online.

So, “show me something natural like ass with stretch marks” and have a great summer, rocking that suit!

Want to share some of the ways you gain confidence in a suit? I’d love to hear about it!

Shop This Post (all bathing suits approved by me!)

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