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Spicy Pear Martini

Alina Orozco
Infuse your own vodka, or simply find a spiced vodka to make this delicious fall cocktail with all the perfect fall spices
Course Drinks


How To Make Your Own Spiced Vodka

  • 2 anise star
  • 1 vanilla bean
  • 6-8 cinnamon sticks
  • 5 cloves
  • pears, sliced

How to Make the Spicy Pear Martini

  • 2 oz Infused pear and spices vodka
  • 1 oz Pear Nectar Juice
  • 1 oz Cointreau (an orange-flavoured liqueur, triple-sec is also fine)


  • Add spices to a large container, add vodka. Allow the mixture to sit for several days.
  • You may choose to strain the contents and fill new bottle. Keep in fridge for up to 7 days.
  • To make martini, pour vodka, nectar and Cointreau into a shaker filled with ice. Shake vigorously until the shaker is cold to the touch.
  • Place sugar on a plate. Then slide a lemon wedge across the rim of your martini glass. Dip the rim into the sugar.
  • Pour the contents of the shaker into your martini.Garnish with lemon wedge or sliced pear. Enjoy!